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DIY Reflexology tips

Your feet take us everywhere; they carry our bodies all day long.  Have a little look at your feet after they’ve spent a day in those lovely leather shoes, or peering out of your open toe sandals.

What do they look like? Feel like? Are your feet pink and healthy and ready to go? Maybe, maybe not…  Possibly your ten toes are pressed against each other like sardines in a can. The skin of your feet looks lifeless, perhaps grey in colour and slightly clammy to the touch. Let’s liven them up with a foot massage!

I think most of us would agree that many of today’s illnesses could be attributed to stress and tension, manifesting in conditions such as backache, headaches, insomnia, constipation, and IBS. What I have found helps hugely though is reflexology.

Here are five ways to reap the benefits of reflexology at home.

  1. Quick mood lifter

To give yourself a quick mood boost simply bring your endocrine system back into balance by working the reflex for the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. To do this simply massage your thumbs on both hands and/or both big toes, paying particular attention to the center of the widest part of the toe or thumb. This area could be a little sensitive to begin with but will improve with continued massage.

  1. Beat stress and lethargy

To give yourself an energy lift, banish lethargy and beat stress focus on the areas on the feet or hands which relate to the adrenal glands. By stimulating this area you will regulate your metabolism, lower blood pressure, reduce inflammation and motivate sluggish intestines. To do so simply massage the middle inner sides of your feet or hands.

  1. Stay mentally alert

To give yourself a mental boost you need to focus on the reflex which relates to the thyroid gland. You do this by using your thumb to walk around the base of your big toe or thumb. This is also the area to focus on to aid weight loss, nervousness, rapid heart beat, dry skin and to control the levels of cholesterol in the blood. This gland has also been called the third ovary and has been known to have to have a big impact on women’s health.

  1. Banish tension

Deal with stress induced tension, either physical or emotional, by massaging the reflex point with correlates with your nervous system. The spinal cord transmits millions of messages back and forth between the brain and the body while spinal nerves connect to the body’s organs, glands ands structures. It is no wonder then that any abnormal tension on the muscles or ligaments will cause pressure on the spinal nerve. To work your brain roll your finger over the tips of your big toes and to release tension on the spine massage the inside of your foot. Massaging these areas can also help with headache, PMS and constipation.

  1. Overall boost

Even if you don’t have a particular problem reflexology can help improve your overall wellbeing and make you feel more energized.

You can do this by massaging your solar plexus and diaphragm. Do so by drawing an imaginary line down from the second toe to just below the ball of the foot until you find a hollow. If under stress use your thumb to hold this point, while pressing slightly upwards, for 20 seconds. Don’t lose contact as you release pressure, just relax it gently. Try this three times, breathing in as you press in and exhaling as you breath out.

Alternatively you can receive the benefits of reflexology in these and other areas by running a golf ball around in your hands, focusing on the areas where you feel you need the most help. This can even be done while waiting at traffic lights.

It might also to help to walk on smooth pebbles in a driveway. This can’t pinpoint specific reflexes but can help boost a sense of well-being.  Nafisa is also available for reflexology sessions to restore and revive. Click here to contact Nafisa and discuss a treatment plan that is right for you.